Don't hide it, you felt it too.
The excitement, the expectation... and the endless wait. Maybe it will never arrive? Can we trust this delivery man?
This is the day! You received it! You weight it, you secretely caress the packaging.
It's smooth, it's new. Ah! What a thrill.
Finally, the first contact. As a baby touching a fruit for the first time, you're an explorer, you just discovered the most precious of all treasures.
The smell is rare, chemical. You feel guilty to let it penetrate your lungs, could it be toxic? The embolden is too stong, you're subjugated.
You look at it, you can touch it! You're probably the luckiest person on Earth.
Flawless, clean as never, curiously sensual... your rough fingers will scratch this perfection, you almost hesitate to touch it, but it's already too late.
You feel your tongue getting bigger, you can't help but licking it. Why didn't you do that earlier?
You eat it all, in one bite. You feel amazing, you want more. You need more. Of course you'll have more.